Results for 'M. C. Brannigan'

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  1. Please note that not all books mentioned on this list will be reviewed. Archard, D.: 2004, Children. Rights and Childhood, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. ISBN: 0-415-30584-5. Arnman, R.: 2004, Doctor's Experiences of Work. [REVIEW]M. C. Brannigan - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8:135.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Pradip Bhattacharya, Edward T. Ulrich, Joseph A. Bracken, Richard Weiss, Christopher Key Chapple, Michael C. Brannigan, Theodore M. Ludwig, S. Nagarajan, Michael H. Fisher, Steve Derné, Herman Tull, Jarrod W. Brown, Joanna Kirkpatrick, Edward T. Ulrich, Carl Olson & Deepak Sarma - 2004 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 8 (1-3):203-227.
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  3. Experience, Reality, and Scientific Explanation.M. C. Galavotti & A. Pagnini (eds.) - 1999 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    (2 other versions)Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion.J. E. C., David Hume & Bruce M'Ewen - 1907 - Philosophical Review 16 (3):338.
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    Türkiye Göçmeni Ve Yerli Kıbrıslılarda Dindarlık: Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti Örneği.Asım Yapıcı & Yusuf Emre - 2016 - Dini Araştırmalar 18 (47).
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  6. Sex differences in endocrine regulation of life history organisation.C. M. Worthman - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (2):249-250.
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    T. G. McLaughlin. Some observations on quasicohesive sets. The Michigan mathematical journal, vol. 11 , pp. 83–87.C. E. M. Yates - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (2):270.
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    Numbers of children planned, expected and preferred by women in Melbourne.C. M. Young - 1974 - Journal of Biosocial Science 6 (3):295-304.
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    The computational complexity of hybrid temporal logics.C. Areces, P. Blackburn & M. Marx - 2000 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 8 (5):653-679.
    In their simplest form, hybrid languages are propositional modal languages which can refer to states. They were introduced by Arthur Prior, the inventor of tense logic, and played an important role in his work: because they make reference to specific times possible, they remove the most serious obstacle to developing modal approaches to temporal representation and reasoning. However very little is known about the computational complexity of hybrid temporal logics.In this paper we analyze the complexity of the satisfiability problem of (...)
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    The Basic Structure as a System of Social Practices.C. M. Melenovsky - 2013 - Social Theory and Practice 39 (4):599-624.
    In his own writings, Rawls purposively used only a loose characterization of the basic structure, but two prominent misinterpretations highlight the current need for a more detailed account. First, G.A. Cohen argues that the Rawlsian focus on the basic structure is arbitrary due to the Rawlsian appeal to profound effects. Second, some theorists conflate the justification of coercion with the assessment of a basic structure by defining the basic structure as the coercive structure. Both misinterpretations can be corrected by carefully (...)
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    The Quest for Certainty.M. C. Otto - 1931 - Philosophical Review 40 (1):79.
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    SMART, J. J. C.: "Philosophy and scientific realism".M. C. Bradley - 1964 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 42:262.
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    Bilateral symmetry and behavior.M. C. Corballis & I. L. Beale - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (5):451-464.
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    Modal Logics Between S4 and S5.M. A. E. Dummett, E. J. Lemmon, Iwao Nishimura & D. C. Makinson - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (3):396-397.
  15. .M. C. Dillon (ed.) - 1991 - Suny Pr.
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    Rights.M. C. G. & Michael Freeden - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (170):123.
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    A Common Faith.M. C. Otto - 1935 - Philosophical Review 44 (5):496.
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    ARMSTRONG, D. M., "Universals and Scientific Realism" Vols. I and II.M. C. Bradley - 1979 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 57:350.
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  19. The Philosophy of the Present.M. C. Otto, George Herbert Mead, Arthur E. Murphy & John Dewey - 1934 - Philosophical Review 43 (3):314.
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    (1 other version)On the existence of atomic models.M. C. Laskowski & S. Shelah - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (4):1189-1194.
    We give an example of a countable theory $T$ such that for every cardinal $\lambda \geq \aleph_2$ there is a fully indiscernible set $A$ of power $\lambda$ such that the principal types are dense over $A$, yet there is no atomic model of $T$ over $A$. In particular, $T$ is a theory of size $\lambda$ where the principal types are dense, yet $T$ has no atomic model.
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    Differential influence of first- vs. third-person visual perspectives on segmentation and memory of complex dynamic events.M. C. Allé, F. Danan, S. C. Kwok, V. Davies, C. Prudat & F. Berna - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 111 (C):103508.
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  22. A History of Marxian Economics. Volume II, 1929-1990.M. C. Howard & J. E. King - 1994 - Science and Society 58 (1):106-108.
  23.  74
    Conformally Flat Spacetimes and Weyl Frames.C. Romero, J. B. Fonseca-Neto & M. Laura Pucheu - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (2):224-240.
    We discuss the concepts of Weyl and Riemann frames in the context of metric theories of gravity and state the fact that they are completely equivalent as far as geodesic motion is concerned. We apply this result to conformally flat spacetimes and show that a new picture arises when a Riemannian spacetime is taken by means of geometrical gauge transformations into a Minkowskian flat spacetime. We find out that in the Weyl frame gravity is described by a scalar field. We (...)
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    Developing a culturally relevant bioethics for Asian people.M. C.-T. Tai - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (1):51-54.
    Because of cultural differences between East and West, any attempt at outright adaptation of Western ideas in Asia will undoubtly encounter problems, if not rejection. Transferring an idea from one place to another is just like transplanting an organ from a donor to a recipient—rejection is to be expected. Human cultures respond to new ideas from different value systems in very much the same way.Recently, biomedical ethics has received much attention in Asia. Fundamental advances in medicine have motivated medical scientists (...)
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  25. 'Playing God Because you Have to': Health Professionals' Narratives of Rationing Care in Humanitarian and Development Work.C. Sinding, L. Schwartz, M. Hunt, L. Redwood-Campbell, L. Elit & J. Ranford - 2010 - Public Health Ethics 3 (2):147-156.
    This article explores the accounts of Canadian-trained health professionals working in humanitarian and development organizations who considered not treating a patient or group of patients because of resource limitations. In the narratives, not treating the patient(s) was sometimes understood as the right thing to do, and sometimes as wrong. In analyzing participants’ narratives we draw attention to how medications and equipment are represented. In one type of narrative, medications and equipment are represented primarily as scarce resources; in another, they are (...)
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    Cluster-based composition rule for stable ternary quasicrystals in Al--TM systems.C. Dong, J. B. Qiang, Y. M. Wang, N. Jiang, J. Wu & P. Thiel - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (3-5):263-274.
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    Particles and events in classical off-shell electrodynamics.M. C. Land - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (1):19-41.
    Despite the many successes of the relativistic quantum theory developed by Horwitz et al., certain difficulties persist in the associated covariant classical mechanics. In this paper, we explore these difficulties through an examination of the classical. Coulomb problem in the framework of off-shell electrodynamics. As the local gauge theory of a covariant quantum mechanics with evolution paratmeter τ, off-shell electrodynamics constitutes a dynamical theory of ppacetime events, interacting through five τ-dependent pre-Maxwell potentials. We present a straightforward solution of the classical (...)
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  28. Merleau-Ponty's Ontology 2e: Second Edition.M. C. Dillon - 1998 - Northwestern University Press.
    Originally published in 1988, M.C. Dillon's classic study of Merleau-Ponty is now available in a revised second edition containing a new preface and a new chapter on "Truth in Art." Dillon's thesis is that Merleau-Ponty has developed the first genuine alternative to ontological dualism seen in Western philosophy. From his early work on the philosophical significance of the human body to his later ontology of flesh, Merleau-Ponty shows that the perennial problems growing out of dualistic conceptions of mind and body, (...)
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    On a certain blindness in William James.M. C. Otto - 1942 - Ethics 53 (3):184-191.
  30. Non-rational behaviour, value conflicts, stakeholder theory, and firm behaviour.M. C. Jensen - 2008 - Business Ethics Quarterly 18 (2):167-171.
  31. Knowledge acquisition and education.M. C. Wittrock - 2000 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 21 (1-2):205-212.
    Since antiquity, theories of knowledge have had fundamental impacts on understanding the design of the conditions of learning and teaching. As represented in this special issue, these theories may be divided into structural, functional, and biofunctional. Structural models have contributed to knowledge about the organization of information stored in memory. Functional models have contributed to our understanding of how learning occurs and how it can be facilitated. Functional and biofunctional approaches have much in common but differ in their assumptions about (...)
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    Islamisation and Its Opponents in Java: A Political, Social, Cultural and Religious History, C. 1930 to the Present.M. C. Ricklefs - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
  33. (2 other versions)Logic and Nature.M. C. Swabey - 1930 - Humana Mente 5 (20):620-622.
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    Modelling size effects using 3D density-based dislocation dynamics.M. Zaiser, N. Nikitas, T. Hochrainer & E. C. Aifantis - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (8-9):1283-1306.
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  35. The PATHWAYS Hospital Project.M. C. Sullivan - 1998 - Bioethics Forum 15:4.
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  36. Embryonic life and human life.M. C. Shea - 1985 - Journal of Medical Ethics 11 (4):205-209.
    A new human life comes into being not when there is mere cellular life in a human embryo, but when the newly developing body organs and systems begin to function as a whole, the author argues. This is symmetrical with the dealth of an existing human life, which occurs when its organs and systems have permanently ceased to function as a whole. Thus a new human life cannot begin until the development of a functioning brain which has begun to co-ordinate (...)
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    Perfect Numbers A Mathematical Pun? An Analysis of the Last Theorem in the Ninth Book of Euclid's Elements.C. M. Taisbak - 1976 - Centaurus 20 (4):269-275.
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    Posidonius Vindicated at all Costs? Modern Scholarship versus the Stoic Earth Measurer.C. M. Taisbak - 1974 - Centaurus 18 (4):253-269.
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    Ethical Issues Concerning the Public Viewing of Media Broadcasts of Animal Cruelty.C. M. Tiplady, D. B. Walsh & C. J. C. Phillips - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (4):635-645.
    Undercover filming is a method commonly used by animal activist groups to expose animal cruelty and it is important to consider the effects of publically releasing video footage of cruel practices on the viewers’ mental health. Previously, we reported that members of the Australian public were emotionally distressed soon after viewing media broadcasts of cruelty to Australian cattle exported for slaughter in Indonesia in 2011. To explore if there were any long term impacts from exposure to media on this issue, (...)
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    The Formation of the German Chemical Community . Karl Hufbauer.M. C. Usselman - 1985 - Philosophy of Science 52 (1):165-166.
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    Symposium: Is Psychical Research Relevant to Philosophy?M. Kneale, R. Robinson & C. W. K. Mundle - 1950 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 24 (1):173 - 231.
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    Minimizing harm in agricultural animal experiments in new zealand.M. C. Morris & S. A. Weaver - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (5):421-437.
    Intrusive agricultural experimentspublished in New Zealand in the last five yearsare reviewed in terms of the degree of animalsuffering involved, and the necessity for thissuffering in relation to research findings.When measured against animal welfare criteriaof the Ministry of Agriculture, thirty-sixstudies inflicted ``severe'' or ``very severe''suffering. Many of these experiments hadquestionable short-term applications, had anapplication restricted to agriculturalproduction or economic growth, or could havebeen modified to prevent or reduce suffering.
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    Pattern formation during diffusion limited transformations in solids.M. Fleck, C. Hüter, D. Pilipenko, R. Spatschek & E. A. Brener - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (1-4):265-286.
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    Intersection numbers of families of ideals.M. Hrušák, C. A. Martínez-Ranero, U. A. Ramos-García & O. A. Téllez-Nieto - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (3-4):403-417.
    We study the intersection number of families of tall ideals. We show that the intersection number of the class of analytic P-ideals is equal to the bounding number ${\mathfrak{b}}$ , the intersection number of the class of all meager ideals is equal to ${\mathfrak{h}}$ and the intersection number of the class of all F σ ideals is between ${\mathfrak{h}}$ and ${\mathfrak{b}}$ , consistently different from both.
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    Increasing the acceptability and rates of organ donation among minority ethnic groups: a programme of observational and evaluative research on Donation, Transplantation and Ethnicity.M. Morgan, C. Kenten, S. Deedat, B. Farsides, T. Newton, G. Randhawa, J. Sims & M. Sque - unknown
    Background: Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups have a high need for organ transplantation but deceased donation is low. This restricts the availability of well-matched organs and results in relatively long waiting times for transplantation, with increased mortality risks. Objective: To identify barriers to organ donor registration and family consent among the BAME population, and to develop and evaluate a training intervention to enhance communication with ethnic minority families and identify impacts on family consent. Methods: Three-phase programme comprising community-based research (...)
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  46. Perspectivas arqueo-geológicas do Projeto Central. Nota prévia.M. C. Beltrão, E. M. R. Toth, S. M. N. Neme & M. P. R. Fonseca - 1984 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 6:15-26.
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  47. Knowledge as Experiential Reality.M. C. Bettoni - 2007 - Constructivist Foundations 3 (1):10-11.
    Open peer commentary on the target article “Arguments Opposing the Radicalism of Radical Constructivism” by Gernot Saalmann. First paragraph: I appreciate Saalmann’s recognition that “there are considerable differences amongst the authors” and that these “have changed their opinions in the course of time” (§3); but given this, what are the consequences for an outline of the theses of radical constructivism (RC)? Which approach is best for outlining a theory of knowing under these hindering conditions? My suggestion would be to use (...)
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  48. The Illusion of Society.M. C. Bettoni - 2008 - Constructivist Foundations 3 (2):68-69.
    Open peer commentary on the target article “Who Conceives of Society?” by Ernst von Glasersfeld. First paragraph: Issues such as social interaction and communication play an essential role in my recent approach to knowledge management called “Knowledge Cooperation”, conceived as “the participative cultivation of knowledge in a voluntary, informal social group”. Radical Constructivism provides a substantial support to the foundations of this approach, which aims at equilibrating intellectual and social capital. So I warmly welcome Ernst von Glasersfeld’s clarification of the (...)
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  49. Weak and Strong Constructivist Foundations.M. C. Bettoni - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):19-21.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Constructivism and Computation: Can Computer-Based Modeling Add to the Case for Constructivism?” by Manfred Füllsack. Upshot: Füllsack’s article offers many interesting ideas but falls short of elucidating the relationship between constructivism and computation. It could profit by taking into consideration stronger constructivist foundations such as the distinction between machine and organism, the relationship between reality and the observer, and Ceccato’s theory of attention.
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    Extension to the basic design of Transaction Cost Theory analysis.C. Ferro Soto & M. Guisado Tato - 2006 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 2 (2):118.
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